Chair - Ray Campbell,

Past Chair - Kathy Moore,

Chair-elect - Hugh Savoy,

Secretary - Hailin Zhang,

Research Administrative Advisor - Bob Westerman,

Extension Administrative Advisor - David Kissel,

The exchange group continues to emphasize electronic data transfer, which provides faster turn-around time and greater accuracy. Shared information on data collection, report generation and electronic transfer has significantly impacted the ability of participating laboratories to accomplish these tasks.

The mission statement for SERA-IEG-6 was reviewed and updated to reflect progressive views of farm wastes as by-products of agriculture. After administrative approval, the new statement will be posted on the web site.

During the coming year, efforts will be focused on completing bulletins in various stages of preparation. Members will continue to work collectively and individually to emphasize proper use of soil testing, plant, waste, and water analysis in protecting the environment and preserving soil and water resources.

The Agronomy and soils department of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez hosted a very successful annual meeting in June of 2003. The focus of the educational program and information exchange was on tropical agriculture in hopes of fostering cooperative projects and other collaborative efforts that may facilitate advancements in the Caribbean.

Cooperative Research Projects: Quantification of Differences Between ICP and Colorimetric Phosphorus Determinations- Lab work has been completed. Data for all participating states but Texas received by 2003 meeting. Results to be summarized and published by 2004 meeting.