Plant Part and Time: Uppermost fully developed leaf at bloom stage.
Element and Sufficiency Range Interpretation and Recommendations
Nitrogen (N)

Deficiency due to inadequate N fertilization and/or ineffective N application. No corrective treatment recommended for the sampled crop. In future crops, follow current N fertilizer recommendations.

Phosphorus (P)

Deficiency due to inadequate P fertilization and/or low soil P test level. Normally tobacco soils are over-fertilized with P. Follow soil test recommendations for P closely to avoid deficiencies or excesses.

Potassium (K)

Deficiency due to inadequate K fertilization and/or low soil K test level. Normally tobacco soils are heavily fertilized with K. Follow soil test recommendation for K closely to avoid deficiencies or excesses. Heavy applications of K can induce Mg deficiency. (See Mg discussion below.)

Calcium (Ca)

Deficiency not likely to occur if the soil pH and 1.50-3.50%level of soil test K is maintained within the desired range. On most tobacco soils, when Ca is low in the leaf tissue, some type of root damage or root restriction will be evident.

Magnesium (Mg)

Low Mg is likely to occur when the soil pH is less than 5.4 and/or the soil test Mg level is low. If the Mg level is low, apply 25 pounds Mg per acre using a soluble source of Mg. For future crops, soil test and follow the soil test recommendations. If limestone is recommended, use a high Mg grade (10-12% Mg) source. Also recommend the use of Sul-Po-Mag or K-Mag as the source of K and supplemental Mg.

Sulfur (S)

Low sulfur levels may occur if grown on coarse-textured sandy soils that are low in organic matter and where S-free fertilizers have been used for an extended period. Heavy leaching spring rains may accentuate the problem. No corrective treatment is recommended for low S level in current crop; however, for future crops, include S in the fertilizer program to supply a minimum of 10 pounds S per acre.

Manganese (Mn)
20-250 ppm

Deficiency may occur on soils which have been over-limed and that are low in Mn. If low levels are detected, apply a foliar application of Mn using 1/2 pound Mn per acre as manganese sulfate in 20 to 25 gallons of water. High Mn due to low soil pH and the effects of heavy fertilization.

Iron (Fe)
50-200 ppm

Deficiency not likely to occur. High Fe due primarily to soil or dust contamination.

Boron (B)
20-50 ppm

Deficiency is not likely to occur.

Copper (Cu)
5-60 ppm

Deficiency is not likely to occur.

Zinc (Zn)
20-80 ppm

Deficiency is not likely to occur.

Aluminum (Al)
0-200 ppm

High Al suggests poor aeration or root damage of some kind. If Fe and Al are both high, then high Al probably due to soil or dust contamination. See Fe discussion above.

Molybdenum (Mo)

Sufficiency range not known.