Frequently Asked Questions

Hours Of Operation

Monday - Friday
8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.


Fee Policies

Scheduled Services

The funds to operate the AESL are generated from state and federal appropriations, fees and contracts. The fee schedule is the basis for all routine and special analytical services. Deviations from the schedule or special rates may be considered for large quantities, special handling and contractual agreements.

Extension Specialists

With proper submission forms, troubleshooting samples will be tested at no cost in limited quantities. Large-scale surveys or research projects will be charged the scheduled fee per sample, the same as researchers.

Research Samples

College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences researchers, in-state USDA and other closely allied UGA units will be charged the scheduled fees and must use a Research Sample Submission Form ( Research samples should be submitted directly to the appropriate laboratory, not through the county Extension office.

County Program Support

County extension agents often need laboratory analysis to support educational programs in their county that address issues specific to their clients' needs. These analyses are referred to as "County Program Samples". AESL supports Extension programs by providing an amount of credit to each county every year to be used for free analysis for their county programs.

The amount of county program funds is now calculated as $100 + 1% of the amount of income generated by your online submission samples for the previous fiscal year. For example, if you used Online Submission last year to submit $5,000 worth of samples, your county program total this fiscal year would be $100 + $50 = $150. This amount will be used towards analysis of samples and bookkeeping of available credit for each county provided by the laboratory. The amount of credit available for free county program samples will be updated in Data Transfer once we've processed the samples. Any unused credit provided by the laboratories would not carry over to future fiscal years.

When submitting County Program samples, write "County Program" next to the samples on the submission forms. You may use the Online Submission forms if these are soil or water samples.

We do not offer reduced fees for school projects. You may use county program funds for this purpose at your discretion.

Payment Of Fees

Soil Analysis FAQs

Soil Submission Form

A County name (or code) and a Crop code are required to correctly fill out the Soil submission form.
Click below to determine the codes:

Water Analysis FAQs

W33B - Home Loan Closing Analysis

What analysis is included:
How much does this analysis cost:
Payment Information:
What are the time constraints regarding submission:
Sample Submission Form:
Shipping Information:
General advice: